Vous Voulez Rire?
‘Vous Voulez Rire?’ (Do you want to Laugh?) is an exhibition which explores the role of humour in design. Alessi, Moooi and Atypik are amongst some of the design houses on display.
The design process is often centred on functions such as technology, material and aesthetic aspects. ‘Vous Voulez Rire?’ suggests that these formal functions of design are taken too seriously and that there is room for another function – humour. Design houses such as Alessi and Moooi have incorporated humour into the products they produce, to such a level that they have become renowned for their witty creations.
The exhibition also highlights that there is, by large, a disappearance of humour in objects designed for adults. While many children’s designs include humour as a function amusing objects for adults are at risk of being viewed as a gimmick. ‘Vous Voulez Rire?’ challenges this perception and suggests that adults should not be excluded from the pleasure of smiling over a witty object.
‘Vous Voulez Rire?’ is curated by Benjamin Girard and is on display at Le Corbusier Site, Firminy, France until Saturday 31 August 2013.