Jasmina Cibic: Framing the Space, 2013. Still from single channel HD video, sound, 12:55 min. Photo: Pete Moss ©Jasmina Cibic. Courtesy of the artist and Škuc Gallery.
Jasmina Cibic: Framing the Space, 2013. Still from single channel HD video, sound, 12:55 min. Photo: Pete Moss ©Jasmina Cibic. Courtesy of the artist and Škuc Gallery.
Situation Anophthalmus hitleri/scientific illustration of Anophthalmus hitleri by Gordon Aeshimann and Sharon Birzer, 2012. Pencil, colour pencil, ink ©Jasmina Cibic. Courtesy of the artist and Škuc Gallery.
Jasmina Cibic: Situation Anophthalmus hitleri/scientific illustration of Anophthalmus hitleri by Filipe Gudin and Tanza Croutch, 2012. Pencil, watercolour, ink. ©Jasmina Cibic. Courtesy of the artist and Škuc Gallery.
Jasmina Cibic: Framing the Space, 2013. Installation View. Photo: Pete Moss ©Jasmina Cibic. Courtesy of the artist and Škuc Gallery.
Jasmina Cibic: Framing the Space, 2013. Still from single channel HD video, sound, 12:55 min. Photo: Pete Moss ©Jasmina Cibic. Courtesy of the artist and Škuc Gallery.
Jasmina Cibic: Still from single channel HD video, sound, 12:55 min. Photo: Pete Moss ©Jasmina Cibic. Courtesy of the artist and Škuc Gallery.
Jasmina Cibic: Still from single channel HD video, sound, 12:55 min. Photo: Pete Moss ©Jasmina Cibic. Courtesy of the artist and Škuc Gallery.