Galeria LOGO presents Super Colina
Galeria LOGO looks to focus on the uncertainty of the future through visual artwork in a new exhibition titled Super Colina.
Curated by Carlos Issa—who is also the artist of the show—more than 25 creative minds from musicians, designers, architects, photographers and filmmakers were invited to the exhibition to focus on three core themes of representing the future, a dialogue with the future and reprogramming the future.
One of the sections featured at the exhibition, is a piece titled Ilha (Island B), from artist and architect Bruce Canepa. His work approaches the future theme of Super Colina by splitting into two parts, forcing viewers to isolate themselves and remain in a state of compulsory awareness and setting the stage “for a deep existential analysis of rebirth.”
Guilherme Falcão and his How To Make a Time Capsule piece will also be featured at the event. Falcão approaches his design to the question of humanities unknown timeline, by creating an object-vehicle that survives the tests of time to be discovered in the future. The piece demands active engagement from visitors, who will also contribute to the material to be preserved for the capsule.
Super Colina will open tomorrow and will run until Saturday 21 February 2015 at Galeria LOGO, São Paulo, Brazil.